Saturday, October 29, 2022

MWGIC-EP-000119: The Halloween Horrors Of Social Media And How To Make It BETR

Dan talks about a deeper level of change to social media than billionaire buyouts, how to make social media much better and more useful, the upcoming holidays, and a new channel he's starting up with a former co-worker and Information Technology colleague.

Watch on YouTube:


Friday, October 14, 2022

*42* Subscribers On YouTube!

 WoooooHoooooo! *42* Subscribers! (On YouTube) I feel totally sci-fi vindicated!


Wednesday, October 12, 2022

MWGIC-EP-000118: The Joys And Tragedies Of Cyber Poetry


Watch on YouTube:

MWGIC-EP-000118: The Joys And Tragedies Of Cyber Poetry - Midwestern Geek In Cali host Dan Stafford get's into some of the pitfalls of hosting your poetry on the web - and also a ginormous project to recover most of his - and friends - poetry from the cyber graveyard.
