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Dan reminisces about the past year, all the changes that have happened, and tries to peek into a crystal ball a bit to see what 2025 may bring.
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In the face of the US DOJ threatening Google (Alphabet) with selling off Chrome, and possibly even Android, I have some ideas that Google really, really might want to consider. Also - what the DOJ is trying to do is not just going to be tough on Google. It will be tough on certain other browsers, too, and bad for millions of users of Google's services. See if you think what I'm saying makes sense here.
This is more of a short test run as I FINALLY got OBS working again on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Linux, and a little tour of my favorite Linux terminal emulator. We also discuss Windows 10 coming up on end-of-life next year.
I have a couple of sessions with Google Bard on investing, UFO's, and prove a few things about Bard. At the end, I find out how to run my own AI on my laptop. (You know I'm gonna try it, but that's another episode)
Dan talks about a deeper level of change to social media than billionaire buyouts, how to make social media much better and more useful, the upcoming holidays, and a new channel he's starting up with a former co-worker and Information Technology colleague.